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Explore and grow Basel’s tech ecosystem together

The Basel region has a diverse and strong ICT and digital industry. They need to be made more visible and further expanded. The Canton of Basel-Stadt, in cooperation with the local universities, companies and associations, is taking the initiative for this. Together we want to strengthen the Basel region as an attractive location for companies in the digital sector, promote networking among the various players in the digital industry and provide impetus for digital innovation.

A first step: Mapping the Ecosystem

This website and the Basel Tech Alert are first steps to map stakeholders and activities. You can filter by topics such as blockchain, digital health, biotech, etc. and discover what is going on. Think of this as an MVP (minimum viable product) – it will grow over time. Let us know, if you have any suggestions.

Outlook: An iterative, open platform

BaselTech was initiated by the department of economic promotion of the canton Basel-Stadt. As part of the initiative, a consortium will be formed and various projects will be implemented. BaselTech will focus on a broad range of topics. Both the topics and the projects also depend on the partnerships and the stakeholders that join the initiative. Get in touch, if you would like to get involved.

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